Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day 10 - 12

They Have Evolved!

This morning a whole bunch of kids were crowded around the butterfly habitat. Some of our caterpillars had turned into chrysalises! (We had to go to Dictionary.com to find out what the plural of chrysalis is! Click here if you want to see the definition.) The chrysalises are hanging at the top of the container. Lots of them are hanging in a group!

This caterpillar is almost a chrysalis...

One caterpillar is just starting to turn into a chrysalis. He has attached himself to the lid with his silk and he is starting to curve his head up. Jon Junior is still a larva and he has grown a lot!

We took another video of our caterpillars. Click here if you are having trouble viewing the video below. Also, check out our  new "Teeny Tiny TV" section in the sidebar. All of our caterpillar videos can be found there.

We are excited to see if Jon Junior will change into a chrysalis soon. Stay tuned to follow his progress!

Room 13


  1. What kind of food do the butterfly's eat? Is it the same as what they ate when they where creepy crawling caterpillar's? What was the food they ate when they were creepy crawlers called?

    Butterfly wishes

  2. I think my class took a long time to make this blog.And I wonder what the butterflys will look like when they hatch.And wonder if we can find out which is a female and a male



  3. I think your blog is great.Keep it up.

  4. Hi boys and girls. Remember when Kristilyn came to visit you and someone asked her to write a butterfly song? Well she did. You can visit it here http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_9077302 It's called O Brave Butterfly

    I already listened to it and I think you'll like it.
