Friday 10 June 2011

Day 8-9

The Butterfly House has Finally Arrived!

 Today our Principal brought us a special delivery that had arrived in the mail. We opened the box and discovered that it was our butterfly house. Thank goodness! Our caterpillars were becoming very squished in their container and we were getting a little worried about their health and happiness.

We brainstormed all the things our caterpillars will need in their home to be safe, healthy and happy. Here is what we came up with:

Man Made Caterpillar Habitat

Then General Fuzuki, Moo and Samantha went outside to gather materials for the home. Here is what it looks like now.

We also took our first picture of our tiny caterpillar today. We each got a sticky note to vote on a name for him.  Jon Junior was the winning name from our vote. Here is our graph of our votes.

Here is a picture of Jon Jr. on Day 9. We added some creature comforts to his home too. We are a little worried that he may become lonely now that he is separate from his friends. Should we keep him separate for observation or should we put him back with his friends and just do our best to keep tabs on him? We are not sure what to do...

Also, we are not sure what kind of water dish to use for our caterpillars as we are worried they may drown. Please leave us your ideas!

Room 13


  1. I was so happy when your butterfly house arrived. Mrs. Flasha was getting worried! I think you should keep Jon Jr separate so you can observe him carefully. Also, I am not sure you should use a water dish. Maybe you should just put some water droplets on the leaves or put some damp paper towels in the habitat.

  2. hi, guys I think you are doing a good job keep it up!

  3. The butterfly blog is a good blog.
    I like it as well as the milkrevalooshon, beemer land blog.

    Your frend,


  4. Do you have any chrysalisis?
