Wednesday 8 June 2011

Day 3-5

Ready, Set, Action!

Our caterpillars changed a lot over the weekend. Here is what we observed:

- We found a whole lot of pieces of exoskeleton in the container
- We realized that they were a lot bigger
- They have silk in their container
- There is lot of excrement in the bottom of the container

We decided that the larva need a bigger home and some new clean food. When the butterflies came in the mail, the company forgot to send their home! We are waiting for it to arrive in the mail, but there is a postal strike in Edmonton for the next two days so it may take a while to arrive.

We also took our first video of our caterpillars! Click here to see the video.

Room 13


  1. I like your pets. there so cool!

  2. your doing lots,do you have any chrysail? I have caterpillers at home.keep it up!

  3. super interesting blog! The catepilar movie was creepy crawly!
