Wednesday 8 June 2011

Day 6-7

It's Getting Squishy in Here!

Caterpillar Container Day 7

Our butterfly house is still stuck in the mail! We are starting to worry about the health and happiness of our caterpillars in their tiny little container. We made a new batch of food and cleaned out the old food and excrement. Yuck! We think the caterpillars will like their container much more now. We also noticed that there is one very small caterpillar in the group. We decided that we are going to observe him because is easy to find. We are going to take a photo of him every day to see him grow! His first picture will be posted on Day 8. Below is a video of our caterpillars on Day 7.

- They are bigger

- They are getting hairy

- There is a pattern appearing on their backs

- The larvae are shedding a lot more

- They are moving faster

- They seem to be climbing more

Regards and Butterfly Wishes,
Room 13


  1. Wow! I am very surprised to learn how fast the caterpillars are changing. I also did not know the larvae would get hairy. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  2. this panitedlady butterfly blog is great i love it tomuch,
