Monday 6 June 2011

Day 2

Mayday! Mayday! Caterpillar Down!!!!!!

Today a very sad incident happened in Room 13. While my class was in the computer lab, someone came into our class and opened our butterfly larva container. When we got back to class a student found that three larva had crawled out of the container. Two of them were on the outside of the lid but one was on the table. Unfortunatly, the larva on the table had been accidently crushed by a book.
Here is what some of my students had to say about this incident:
"I can't believe that someone would do this!"
"Who in the world would do such a thing?!"
"Why would someone do something to poor little creatures?"
"Who would come into a classroom and open a lid to a living creature's home?!"
"It's rude to go into someone's classroom and do somthing without asking permission."
"Who would snoop in someone else's class?"
"Who would open the lid? The caterpillars could get lost!"
My students felt horrible about this incident. One student made a coffin for our poor little caterpillar and another got some flowers.  We are looking into ways to keep our caterpillars safe.

Mrs. Flasha


  1. Nice job.

    Sorry to hear about the escaped caterpillars.

    I don't know how to look after your little friends but do they eat lettuce, cabbage or maybe dandelions?

    I bet you can't wait to see them change into beautiful butterflies.

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  3. We are sorry to hear about your little caterpillars. We hope the guilty are found! :) Maybe the class should write a persuasion letter about why you should keep the caterpillars safe. We are writing a persuasion letter about not stepping on ants :)Good luck with the rest of your caterpillars. We are excited to see them.

    Mrs.Sune-Taylor's Grade One Class, Kildae School

  4. Its so sad that it died.

  5. Hi, this is a great project. I sure am learning a lot about larva and butterflies! I am looking forward to seeing the larva turn into beautiful butterflies. Maybe someday, our could go to a museum and learn even more about painted lady butterflies!

  6. I feel bad for Mr.caterpiller who would do suchathing to a pore litle caterpiller like him

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